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Urban Leaving to Country Living

GIRAFFE AND BIRD – Picture Book Review


Written and illustrated by Rebecca Bender 4 star rating

Giraffe and BirdGiraffe and Bird act like they can’t stand each other – and that’s what they say. But deep down, they need and want each other. Some of the situations they get each other into are amusing.

In families with a lot of squabbling, this book would make a valuable point. But Steven couldn’t get it – if you like someone, you treat them well. Really, you try to treat everyone well.

We did get some laughs – when giraffe sneezed because Bird was preening his feathers – and that makes Bird fall upside down. And some days Bird eats extra berries (that contain lots of fiber…)

Anyway, what make this book are the illustrations. Bender has captured facial expression, especially on the giraffe, that are hilarious. (4 stars)

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