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Urban Leaving to Country Living

In the Sticks and Out of the Loop


My news update e-mail from The Globe & Mail newspaper landed in my e-mail box this morning with an invitation to “Watch more than 300 videos in the Globe Life how-to library“. Thinking I might find some tips on shocking the well water or even wood heat, I clicked through.

camel coatHmmmmm…categories are Fitness, Chef, Wine & Spirits, Beauty, Hair & Fashion. If I want to know how to pair wine with take-out meals or what three coats every woman should have (definitely need that bejeweled evening number to wear to the fracking meeting), I’m set.

But since there is no take-out within 30 miles except chicken balls or donairs not worth wine, and an appropriate “investment” coat for the country is more likely to a ski jacket to be hung on a rack than a camel hair trench, I’m feeling a little out of the loop.

Not enough to move back to the city, mind. Just a little.

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