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Urban Leaving to Country Living

Classic Doubles 2012 Reading Challenge


Classic Double challenge 2012NOT COMPLETED

Since I’ve entered several Classics challenges for 2012, I thought it wold be fun to try the Classic Double Challenge, hosted by Melissa at One Librarian’s Book Reviews.

Essentially, the challenge will encourage me to read one older book (classic) and a newer book that relates to the older one in some way. (The newer book can be any reading level from Middle Grade to Adult.)

I’m opting in at the Medium level, which requires me to read two sets of related books.

YEAR-END UPDATE: Unless I’ve missed a connection somewhere, I managed to get in only one set of doubles:


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3 Comments to

“Classic Doubles 2012 Reading Challenge”

  1. On December 19th, 2011 at 7:37 am Whispering Gums Says:

    Oh there would be some good ones here too, to do. I shall look forward to reading your progress with your challenges.

  2. On December 19th, 2011 at 1:31 pm melissa @ 1lbr Says:

    Yeah! Thanks for joining and I look forward to see what you pick. There certainly are a LOT of choices out there 🙂

  3. On December 19th, 2011 at 3:41 pm Debbie Says:

    Thanks for the welcome, Melissa! There certainly is a lot to choose from – I’m looking forward to where the year and this challenge take me.

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