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Urban Leaving to Country Living

Friday Afternoon 03Jun11 – The View from Where I Am


When we came to Nova Scotia, I didn’t realize we were moving near the Cobequid Hills – one of the three mountain ranges here. All of these ranges are part of the Canadian Appalachians, which are an extension of the American mountain chain of the same name.

The Cobequid Hills run along Nova Scotia’s north shore from the Minas Basin to Antigonish, and contain the highest point on the mainland – 1200-foot Nuttby Mountain. (The “mainland” is Nova Scotia without Cape Breton Island.)

My doctor has prescribed walking for my arthritic back and so I try each day to take my dogs for a walk. One of my favorite spots is in the 70-acre hayfield behind our property. This morning was overcast and cool, and the view of the Hills at the back of the field was beautiful.

Cobequid hills,June 2011

I’m up to only 15 minutes of walking time, but if you’ve ever tried moving rubber boots through thigh-high grass, you’ll know it’s still a pretty good workout.

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4 Comments to

“Friday Afternoon 03Jun11 – The View from Where I Am”

  1. On June 28th, 2011 at 2:17 pm Wanda Says:

    My tendons pop whenever I wear rubber boots, a bit painful but more annoying really. Lovely view — very different from mine!

  2. On June 28th, 2011 at 3:06 pm Debbie Says:

    OW – that sounds painful. Glad to make your acquaintance! Where in NS is your view?

  3. On July 1st, 2011 at 8:30 pm Wanda Says:

    We’re oceanfront on the Eastern Shore, about a 20 minute boat ride to the backside of Martinique Beach.

    Happy Canada Day!

  4. On July 1st, 2011 at 10:28 pm Debbie Says:

    It’s amazing to me how different each of the NS shores look….lucky you, close to Martinique – a magnificent beach!

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